so i’ve been working on something cool
You ready?
It’z called…

An animated seriez? comic book?
Wouldn’t you like to know! Haha!
Well, I mean, if you do
then check this out.
picture this

The theme iz simple. We will be expozing horrible customerz based off of real interactionz. Someonez gotta!

This iz what the world will look like. The landz of Ethera, Haven and Threshold, are homez to iconic legendz, mortalz, and monsterz.

Aint she cute?? This iz Who'z Clozet!! Where the first seazon/volume takes place

Let me introduce you to The Wigz (that'z what we call the managerz). You'll be seeing a lot of theze guyz, we kinda need them to run the store y'know

Ace + Spadez!! The runtz of the wigz! The bottom of the food chain! This duo iz like yin and yang, fire and ice! No matter how hard they try, they will never gain the respect from the bigger wigz! LOL but hey, at least they'll alwayz be seen by their team <3

Chip iz the most sarcastic, moody, and hot headed wig there iz. He will tell you just how it iz and sometimez you cant even be mad at him for it. A little advice, do not argue with him when he tellz you what to do (he'll just compel you). He can be annoying but he'z real af.

Taz and Locke are both the highest tier of the wig chain. One workz their tail off to get the next promotion, the other haz just worked there the longest and takez advantage of hiz seniority. Can you guess who'z who?

Oh ya wanna know about The Pit and The Chicz?? All i'm gunna say iz, you're gunna LUV theze guyz. Their stylez, their personalitiez, their dynamicz!! Get them their own reality show!
well that’z about all i can show you right now
But if you’d like to know more, stick around!
This group haz a lot in store for ya.